This movie was created by a newer version of SoundSaVR. This movie is write protected. Unregistered Demo No sound track found in this file! The sound already exists in this node! Choose a new color: This is an UNREGISTERED copy, output movies can only be previewed and can not be saved. This application requires QuickTime 4.0. Please download a new version from error occurred. SoundSaVR could not save the movie. A type SoundSaVR could not save the movie because the file is in use. Try saving it with a different name. SoundSaVR could not save the movie because the disk is full. Streaming playback of non-preloaded sounds is not recommended for use with modem connections. See the SoundSaVR documentation for more details. SoundSaVR Temp Save file As... Un-Named Node You have made changes to this movie. Do you wish to save them before closing? An error occurred while opening the movie. Check to see that you have enough RAM available. The movie was not a panorama movie! Random Delay Continuous None Looping Style: Movie Window Rear: 40% 100% 0 : % ° Save Options This is an UNREGISTERED copy, output plays from 360° to 260° ONLY v2.01 ©1998 SQUAMISH Media Group, Inc. Adds directional or ambient sounds to your QTVR multi node movies This copy is registered to: REGISTER at: '' Rear: Front: n/a